A Red River Halloween Day 3: The North 40
David on Amarillo Sunset Climbs: Miranda Rayne (5.9+): ★★ (OK) Audie (5.8): ★★ (Fun) Amarillo Sunset (5.11b): ★★★★★ (A.M.A.Z.I.N.G) Samurai (5.12b): ★★★★ (Very cool.) On Monday morning, we woke up and made pancakes. Protein-packed pancakes. They came in a box with an angry grizzly bear face imprint. They were good. Savage. Somewhere in the middle, we added chocolate chips. They were even better. More savage. We didn’t worry about climbing. It was still too cold. The clouds had cleared, but it was ust barely above freezing. Which is great weather, when you’re bouldering, at the top of Mount Everest, or swimming with polar bears. But it’s not great weather your a wanna-be weekend rockstar sport climber. But we were men (+ Sevda--but she had to work (boo Mondays), so she couldn’t climb). We would handle the cold. We settled on PMRP, North 40. There would be several easy climbs. There would be several moderates. There would be several five start lines. Hop