
Showing posts from August, 2020

Climbing in 2019: A (late) Personal Review

Warning : Lots of self indulgent, climbing specific, spray ahead. But it's (still) mid Covid, so being stoked about anything is a good thing, right? Bueller? I won't judge you for skipping this one; I'm just basking in my own greatness for 2000 words. With a little bit of self reflection mixed in. But just a little. Don't say you weren't warned. 218 Sport climbing pitches total (including onsights, flashes, redpoints) 14 Boulder problems 1 Mixed line 98 days outside (including short, hour long sessions) First... 5.12c* ( Mighty Dog , April 14) 5.12d ( Branching Out , July 28) 5.13a ( Happy Endings , September 29) 58 Climbs 5.12a and harder 2019 was a good year. I climbed a lot, and I like climbing. Most importantly, at the beginning of 2020, I still liked climbing. 98 days of outdoor climbing feels like an insane amount. This number includes just an hour of traversing at Morrison, getting benighted because a rattlesnake blocked the quick way back