Teaser Trailer

Well, it's been a while, as an astute reader noted.

Since my last entry, healthcare reform passed (good?), the Winter Olympics happened (cool?), I passed non-linear controls (no idea how this happened), the Gulf of Mexico turned into the world's largest oilfield (and it seems like we're doing nothing about it), the Nuggets and Avalanche got eliminated in the first round (glad the Avs made the playoffs, disappointed the Nuggets didn't do better), I discovered K'Naan (If Rap Gets Jealous) the Shins & Arcarde Fire for the first time (loving Funeral &Chutes Too Narrow + New Slang, jury's out on Neon Bible, Oh, Inverted World, & Wincing the Night Away) Iron Man II came out (haven't seen it (or Avatar)), the iPad came out (awesome, except for the whole proprietary aspect), the Chilean Earthquake probably shifted the Earth's axis & shortened it's days (thank you Wikipedia), Eyjafjallajokull erupted (still no idea how to pronounce it), it snowed in May (and I didn't go skiing), I cut my hair (not myself), and hell still hasn't frozen over. Sweet.

Now mentally re-read that in the same voice as the dude who does the all the action movie narration….


…Doesn't really make it much better does it? It's too bad because it could be a preview of what's to come. Or I might never talk about it again. Think of this as a teaser trailer of what's going to happen. Or rather what could happen. Since I'm free for the semester, all IM & boulder parks & rec sports are over, I've got nothing to do. But get in shape and work my ass off. Oh, and go camping, climbing, hiking, travelling, (all around adventuring), and blogging. At least once a week, starting now, ending when school starts again. I kindof promise. Enjoy!


  1. Matt pointed me to your blog...so I'm only stalking by association. Hope you're not weirded out.

    We should do an official music swap sometime...complete with external hard drives. I love Laika on Funeral. Shins will always have a special place in my heart, despite the movie Garden State.

    If you're down for a backpacking trip, let me know. I'm thinking about planning one soon...gotta test out the new GoLite gear. :)

  2. Hurrah! An update!

    Since intramurals are over, it means that it is 14er season. Maybe some races may be in order. Oh, the possibities---and you can blog about all of them.

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