Rebirth of the Baby Blue

Nuggets are back!

Yes, the Birdman’s aggravating antics, K-Mart’s giant lip tattoo, Melo’s explosive scoring, Lawson’s explosive speed, Nene’s ballet moves, Billups’s clutch shooting, Carter’s “why did he do that?” and “why is Karl keeping him in?” even though he’s actually a decent player, Afflalo’s upside, the Toaster Oven catching fire, and, of course, Karl’s classic smug smirk. I am so ready for this season.

Campus closed at 2:00. If it’s still closed tomorrow, mountains here I come! I still need to get a new set of ski poles. Of course, the first day we go up, I get my poles out of the closet…and the right one’s bent. If Boulder Ski Deals didn’t close at 8, I wouldn’t look like a complete noob on the mountain tomorrow. I guess worse things could happen.

At times, Computer Science is like running into a brick wall as hard as you can, brushing it off, looking at some greek instructions describing the holes in the wall, and then repeating. Well, ok, it’s not always like that. The past two weeks, in which I’ve put in over 20 hours trying to get BioNet to compile by giving CMake awkward Indian Rug burns, were like that. Of course, actually breaking through that brick wall was awesome, and I might have even learned a couple lessons from it.

(1) Understanding the fundamentals is key. If I had a better knowledge of the Make process, I think I would have probably cut my debug time in half. Of course, having a better understanding of Make might have only furthered my frustration with CMake’s completely opaque building process.

(2) Debug things more systematically. If I had actually had a method for figuring out what was wrong with my code, instead of repeatedly taking stabs in the dark, I would have once again cut my time in half. Unsurprisingly, my last step before giving up for the day (which I was close to doing several times), was systematically going through the working AutoMake code, linked library at a time, and trying to translate it to CMake. Within 10 minutes, I had it figured out.

I’m glad campus was basically empty, because I saved myself the embarrassment of the curiosity aroused by my emphatic yell and fist pump.


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